If you need to update your ds-260 information once you get interview letter, follow these steps

Step 1 : If you identify that there is a major change in ur information to the one you filled in DS 260 when you last submitted to NVC (AND) you have a supporting evidence of your changes in a valid document, you may request the embassy to open your DS 260 for updation

Step 2 : Gather all the information and supporting evidence of the changes in a pdf along with your current DS 260 confirmation page.

Step 3 : Email the embassy: support-india@ustraveldocs.com
Mention your case number, Interview Date and Time
Summarise and respectfully request the officer to why you need corrections to be made in DS 260.
Attach all the supporting evidence you gathered in step 2.

Step 4: The embassy will make a decision and communicate to you on their decision of unlocking the DS 260

Step 5: If the embassy reopens your DS 260, login into CEAC and you will see REOPENED status on your DS 260. Open it, fill the changes, review it, electronically sign and submit.

Step 6 : Print the updated DS 260 confirmation page upon resubmission and carry it to the interview

Note: If the embassy does not reopen ur DS 260, embassy will give you alternative instruction, follow those instructions given by the embassy to update your changes